quality mortadella for the past 4 generations

Our Commitment

The efficient Quality System has enabled the company to continuously improve its products and services to meet the ever more demanding market needs for food safety in terms of healthiness, allergens, origin, traceability and authenticity.

  • Quality Policy

    To strengthen its position in a highly competitive market and to provide a product that never fails to meet customer requirements, the Felsineo Management considers Quality Assurance and Food Safety, Environmental issues and Occupational Health and Safety, together with the ongoing improvement of the effectiveness of management systems, key and strategic issues. The Management establishes objectives, commitments, responsibilities and assigns adequate resources to guarantee the fulfilment of the objectives.

    The Management aims to reach the following general objectives:

    • increase the operating quality of the company processes as part of a long-term plan to continuously improve quality, food safety, customer service, as well as to reduce waste.
    • increase awareness of the organisation to guarantee the fulfilment of all legal requirements regarding the products manufactured.
    • order raw materials that satisfy all quality requirements, carefully controlling the qualification of all suppliers.
    • improve training and increase awareness of personnel.
    • full respect of all regulations regarding environmental issues, food safety and occupational health and safety.
    • improve relevant environmental management issues; reduce waste generated, cut consumption of energy and non-renewable resources, prevent undesirable impact on the environment (fire, accidental spills).
    • prevent accidents, injury, and professional illness caused by the job activity performed, striving to limit and progressively reduce risks related to ergonomics of workplaces, noise and load handling.
    • continuously improve the health and safety conditions of all people working for Felsineo, promoting their participation and involvement in the ongoing commitment to eliminate, prevent and reduce residual risks in the workplace.
    • control and improve the satisfaction of the service provided to customers, supplying products conforming to their requests.
    • assure a detailed and prompt complaint management.

    To work:

    • with transparency in internal and external communication.
    • with utmost care and attention when dealings with customers.
    • seeking to fully involve all interested parties.
    • continuing to focus on producing mortadella using only natural ingredients and/or not containing genetically modified organisms.
    • continuing to make sure all mortadellas produced are suitable for the gluten-intolerant, i.e. in gluten free diets.
    • keeping constantly up to date on any new pathogenic microorganisms emerging (e.g. 9CFR 430 for Listeria).

    The Management is committed to assuring the Quality, Food Safety, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Policy is:

    • signed by the Management and Representative of the Management thereby making it official company policy.
    • communicated to everyone.
    • understood through training meetings, discussions and explanatory sessions.
    • implemented then checked through audits.
    • supported by measurable quality, environment, and health and safety objectives.
    • updated through management reviews.
    • made available to anyone requesting to see it.

    The Management then transforms the general objectives into specific objectives and programmes which are regularly documented and reviewed.

  • Traceability and Reverse Traceability

    Each Mortadella has its own history, wrapped up and traceable from the batch number. The modern management system makes it possible to trace products from source to consumer, and also in reverse order, back to the initial ingredients used in each stage of the production cycle, including cooking and cooling. Every single tiny problem and all potential causes can therefore be analysed in time, permitting constant improvement. Furthermore, thanks to the barcode system identifying every single batch of raw material entering the factory, Felsineo can safely and securely guarantee the origin of all meats used.

  • Politica energetica


    Gruppo Felsineo, consapevole della propria responsabilità nei confronti della comunità e dell’urgenza delle sfide legate alle risorse energetiche e ai cambiamenti climatici a livello globale, si impegna in modo costante ed efficace nel perseguire una maggiore sostenibilità ambientale, un uso sempre più razionale dell’energia e una progressiva riduzione delle emissioni di CO2.

    Realizzare la strategia della sostenibilità per contribuire a migliorare le strutture in cui l’organizzazione opera, promuovere attività volte alla tutela dell’ambiente, portare avanti attività di ricerca e sperimentazione per contribuire all’innovazione, costituiscono obiettivi fondamentali della Missione di Gruppo Felsineo. In particolare, il Gruppo farà quanto possibile per il raggiungimento dell’obiettivo di beneficio comune dedicato alla tutela dell’ambiente, inserito negli statuti delle sue Società Benefit Felsineo S.p.A. e FelsineoVeg S.r.l.: “Promuovere e migliorare la tutela dell’ambiente come principio fondamentale lungo tutta la catena del valore, attraverso la riduzione dei consumi e delle emissioni, lo sviluppo di processi e sistemi ispirati ai principi dell’economia circolare e la scelta di packaging sostenibili”.

    Politica dell’Energia

    Gruppo Felsineo ritiene prioritario adottare strategie e soluzioni che consentano di ridurre il più possibile l’impatto energetico, nel pieno rispetto delle disposizioni vigenti in materia energetica e di ogni altra prescrizione sottoscritta in tale ambito.

    Gruppo Felsineo intende porsi quale esempio di eccellenza per l’efficienza energetica nell’industria alimentare, in particolare nella produzione di mortadella e di alimenti vegetali, impegnandosi a perseguire gli obiettivi di miglioramento continuo delle prestazioni energetiche in tutte le fasi di progettazione, sviluppo e gestione delle proprie sedi e dei reparti produttivi:

    - ottimizzare i consumi energetici per i servizi di refrigerazione, lavorazione e cottura, di illuminazione e climatizzazione degli ambienti, attraverso impianti ad alta efficienza e sistemi di regolazione e monitoraggio dei consumi energetici;

      • soddisfare il proprio fabbisogno di energia anche attraverso l’uso di fonti rinnovabili, contribuendo alla riduzione di CO2 immessa in atmosfera;

      • introdurre un monitoraggio capillare e costante dei consumi energetici al fine di intervenire in maniera efficace su eventuali sprechi e scostamenti delle prestazioni energetiche;

      • acquistare macchinari, prodotti e servizi energeticamente efficienti, adottando anche criteri di valutazione di tipo energetico;

      • diffondere la cultura del risparmio energetico e della salvaguardia ambientale presso gli stakeholder, attraverso opportune iniziative di comunicazione, sia verso l’interno che verso l’esterno.

    Al fine di perseguire tutti questi obiettivi, Gruppo Felsineo ha deciso di adottare, tra i propri strumenti per il miglioramento continuo, un Sistema di Gestione per l‘ Energia (SGE) certificato secondo i requisiti previsti dallo Standard Internazionale UNI CEI EN ISO 50001:2018

    Attuazione e divulgazione della Politica dell’Energia

    La Politica dell’Energia è definita e promossa dall’Alta Direzione, che si impegna altresì a mettere a disposizione risorse umane, strumentali ed economiche per perseguire gli obiettivi e traguardi di miglioramento energetico.

    L’attuazione della Politica dell’Energia si concretizza nella diffusione del messaggio di attenzione all’efficienza energetica a tutti i livelli dell’organizzazione interna, nella volontà di ridurre i propri consumi energetici, e nel coinvolgimento di tutti i soggetti interessati al miglioramento continuo.

    Per consentire al personale di contribuire all’attuazione degli impegni aziendali in ambito energetico, la Politica dell’Energia è comunicata a tutti i dipendenti ed è inoltre divulgata a coloro le cui attività possono influenzare significativamente i consumi energetici dell’organizzazione.


Coherently with its Quality Policy, focused on traditional production and technological innovation, the Company has implemented a Quality System that throughout the years has been certified according to the food safety and hygiene Regulations in force.

Felsineo is proud to have also achieved many voluntary certifications: UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, ISO 22005, IFS and BRC (GSFS). These certifications, together with the efficient monitoring of the production processes, have allowed access to markets otherwise unreachable, such as United States of America, Japan and China.

UNI EN ISO 14001:2015

The internationally recognized Standard for environmental management systems. It deals with the management of environmental aspects, with a focus on safeguarding the environment, preventing pollution and considering socioeconomic requirements.
Download the UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 certification

UNI ISO 45001

The first International Standard that specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety management system all over the world. It provides a guidance to enable an organization to proactively improve its OH&S performance in preventing injury and ill-health. It is intended to be applicable to any organization regardless of its size, type and nature.
Download the UNI ISO 45001 certification


The IFS (International Food Standard) and GSFS (Global Standard for Food Safety) are product certifications. They have introduced to establish Standards for supplier approval, that companies supplying large retail chains can adopt to show they have fulfilled their legal and contractual obligations and supply safe, hygienic products. Felsineo is grade A GSFS certified and higher level IFS certified.
Download the BRC GSFS certification
Download the IFS certification

ISO 22005

The ISO 22005 standard is the international reference standard for the certification of food traceability and guarantees for the Mortadella la Sciccosa “Firmato Dagli Agricoltori Italiani” reference, the Italian origin of the pigs; birth, breeding, slaughtering, sectioning, and processing in Italy.
Download the ISO 22005 certification


Felsineo also has the Organic certification obtained from the Bioagricert certification body.
Download the Biologico certification

CFP (Carbon Foot Print)

Felsineo has obtained the CFP (Carbon Footprint) certification in compliance with ISO 14067:2018 for 6 references of the PGI mortadella line (14kg cylinder and 500g self-service formats). The EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) for the same references was calculated and verified.
Download the CFP (Carbon Foot Print) certification
Download the EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) certification

UNI ISO 50001

UNI ISO 50001 is an international standard which aims to improve energy management in terms of efficiency, use and consumption. The voluntary standard establishes the requirements for a systematic process aimed at continuously improving energy performance using corporate Energy Management Systems based on a systematic PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) approach.
Download the UNI ISO 50001 certification

Manifesto dell’Istituto Valorizzazione Salumi Italiani

The Manifesto of the ‘Istituto Valorizzazione Italiani Salumi’ aims to promote and support the values of the association including respect for Tradition with a focus on the Future, Quality, Sustainability and the Bond with the Territory.
Download the Manifesto dell’Istituto Valorizzazione Salumi Italiani certification