Corporate Social Responsibility

Code of Ethics

Just like other big Italian and international groups and companies, Felsineo S.p.A. Società Benefit has also drawn up a Code of Ethics laying down the values that the company recognizes, accepts and shares at all levels and in all areas of the business.

The principles and provisions set forth in the aforementioned Code of Ethics are examples of general obligations regarding diligence, proper conduct and fairness that define acceptable performance and conduct in the workplace.

The principles and provisions of the Code of Ethics are binding for executive management and all employees of Felsineo S.p.A. Società Benefit.

The Felsineo Code of Ethics was approved by the Felsineo S.p.A Società Benefit Board of Directors. Any amendments and/or additions to this code will be approved by the relative Board of Directors and distributed to concerned parties without delay.

Download the Code of Ethics > HERE

Form 231/01

Following the enforcement of Legislative Decree No. 231 of 8 June 2001 introducing the concept of the “administrative responsibility” of corporations into our legal system for the first time, Felsineo S.p.A. Società Benefit brought its own organisational, management and control model into line with the provisions of the aforementioned decree as part of an ongoing process to manage organisational activities efficiently, correctly and fairly.
This process of adaptation was pursued bearing in mind the provisions of Leg. Decree No. 231/01.
The resultant Organisation, Management and Control model, as required under Leg. Decree No. 231/01, was approved by the Felsineo S.p.A. Società Benefit Board of Directors on 30 April 2009. For the purpose of reporting to the Supervisory Body:

Download Form 231/01 > HERE


“The Law of 30 November 2017, n. 179 “Provisions for the protection of the authors of reports of crimes or irregularities of which they have become aware in the context of a public or private employment relationship”, published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale no. 291 of 14 December 2017, also extended to the private sector the protection of the employee or collaborator who reports illegal activities or violations relating to Model 231 of which he has become aware for reasons of his office / job function. Consequently, in the implementation of the above, the Company’s staff and collaborators will be able to report to the Supervisory Body pursuant to the aforementioned legislation at the following web address:

All subjects are required to submit detailed reports of illegal conduct, relevant pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/01 and based on precise and consistent factual elements, or violations of Model 231, of which the reporting parties have become aware due to the functions performed. On the other hand, reports based on mere suspicions or rumors are not valid.”

Responsible Company

Project to include disadvantaged categories in for-profit companies.

Felsineo S.p.A. Società Benefit has been working for many years with local authorities (Bologna Provincial Council, local health boards…) and local associations and cooperatives (CSAPSA, OPIMM, and many others) in order to help find occupations for people deemed to have disadvantages which in some cases impede their deployment in any context other than a non-profit one.
Our work with CSAPSA (Centre for the Study and Analysis of Applied Psychology and Sociology) – whose current president Leonardo Callegari is a constant source of inspiration in this particular field and also on the corporate environment and the rules existing within it – and with AiLeS (Association to promote social and occupational inclusion) has lead in this specific case to an attempt to make the company’s work “visible”. Indeed, the company is trying to address the weakest link in the chain, individuals who would be the first to leave or break down when under pressure.
Felsineo S.p.A. Società Benefit tries to make sure these issues are never overlooked: we do this through our health and safety policies, by maintaining an ongoing relationship with individuals working in the socio-cultural environment and by trying to bridge any gaps that legislation inevitably leaves to families and to individual entities in society, including also corporations.
The company’s commitment is a step, a signal, and an incentive for anyone that may never have seen business organisations as an employment option, and a chance to make sure that our company can increase its numbers in this direction. The dissemination of a responsible culture is the ultimate goal in a process that considers human resources in their entirety, recognizing that not all have the same energy, strength and representation.